
Consultant pour le développement de la Nunavik Regional Research Authority

Emplois | Affiché 529 fois | Publié le mardi 12 mai 2020 à 07:53

An increasing amount of research is being conducted in mainland Nunavik and in the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR), placing growing pressure on the general population and on local and regional Nunavik organizations. In this context, there is a pressing need for an integrated streamlined regional research process that should work to benefit Nunavimmiut well-being, knowledge enhancement, and the pursuit of sustainable development and self-determination, while respecting the roles and responsibilities of the various bodies established under the relevant land claims agreements, including the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) and the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement (NILCA).

The Nunavik Regional Research Authority Steering Committee* is looking for a consultant to take on the initial research, consultation and planning work that is needed to conceptualize the Nunavik Regional Research Authority (NRRA), a body envisioned by the Steering Committee for enacting the above-mentioned regional, streamlined and integrated research process.

At this stage, it is proposed that the NRRA operate under five (5) overarching objectives:

  • Providing a regional, social, cultural and ethical review process that ensures comprehensive evaluations and follow-ups of research proposals and projects on topics of interest to Nunavimmiut;
  • Providing a comprehensive registry of all current and past research done in Nunavik;
  • Providing Nunavik communities with the necessary support for developing and implementing their own research projects;
  • Providing external researchers with a twofold support service:
    • A research support service to guide researchers through all stages of the Nunavik research process (applying for permits, running fieldwork, returning results to communities, etc.);
    • A logistics support service to provide researchers with necessary accommodation, equipment, transportation, guides, translators, etc., with the ultimate objectives of decreasing the current pressure on Nunavik regional organizations’ human resources that currently provide such services, while also developing a local economy around research activities and creating job opportunities for Nunavimmiut.
  • Promoting research that is consistent with the research priorities of Nunavik Inuit and embodying culturally appropriate principles and objectives, notably, as outlined in the "National Inuit Strategy on Research" proposed by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK).

The consultant will be required to accomplish the following work:

  1. Steering Committee’s Terms of Reference

The NRRA Steering Committee, which is responsible for establishing, guiding and monitoring the activities of the NRRA, is a newly established ad hoc body. While the organizations and individuals forming the Steering Committee have so far mostly operated and taken decisions on a consensual basis, the Steering Committee seeks support from the Consultant to develop Terms of Reference on how it shall operate. Terms of Reference shall be co-developed in close collaboration with the members of the Steering Committee. For instance, they can include aspects such as stewardship, coordination, decision-making and operating expenses.

2. Integrated NRRA Plan

With a view to supporting the Steering Committee in planning for the creation of the NRRA, the Consultant shall develop an integrated NRRA plan to assess the requirements and challenges related to the creation and implementation of the proposed NRRA (hereinafter the “Integrated Plan”), which shall include the following components:

    • Operational assessment: What are the existing initiatives or networks that cover Nunavik and the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) that target similar objectives as those of the NRRA? How should these be considered in the development and implementation of the NRRA? To what extent are examples of other Inuit-lead research network initiatives across Inuit Nunangat transferrable to Nunavik?
    • Financial assessment: What are the estimated costs related to putting in place and operating the NRRA? What are the available sources of funding? What are the infrastructure, equipment and human resources needs for setting up and operating the NRRA?
    • Jurisdictional assessment2: How could other entities having jurisdictions over research in Nunavik and in the NMR impact the establishment and operation of the NRRA?

The Consultant shall base the development of the Integrated Plan on comprehensive consultations with the bodies represented in the Steering Committee; other interested regional and local organizations as well as Nunavik community members; and other key stakeholders involved in research projects as well as research networks in Nunavik, including academics and government researchers. The consultation plan shall be developed by the Consultant in close collaboration with the Steering Committee.

The timeline expected for completing the above-described mandate is estimated to be between 9 to 12 months. The Steering Committee may decide to adjust such a timeline, notably based on events that could affect the consultation schedule (e.g. COVID-19 prevention measures).

Expression of Interest
To express your interest for this mandate, please send the two following documents to Camille Fréchette at

  1. A general presentation document (maximum two pages long), which shall include your full name; your contact details, and general background information on passed experiences and projects in Nunavik or other relevant northern regions.
  2. Your Curriculum Vitae.

The above documents must be sent before June 5, 2020, otherwise they will not be considered. If your candidature is retained for the subsequent selection phase, you will be contacted and provided with details regarding the next steps of the application process, including the information, work plan and budget to be provided as part of your detailed application.


* Formed by Makivik Corporation (Makivik), the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services (NRBHSS), the Kativik Regional Government (KRG), Kativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI), the Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau (KMHB), the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB) and the Inuit Research Advisor (IRA) for the region of Nunavik.
