
Une photo d'Eve Gosselin finaliste au concours Science Exposed 2022 (CRSNG)

Au 490 | Affiché 207 fois | Publié le jeudi 2 juin 2022 à 15:35

Les images finalistes du concours Science Exposed 2022 (CRSNG) sont désormais en liste pour le vote du public.

Parmi ces images, une oeuvre d'Eve Gosselin, étudiante à la maîtrise dans l'équipe de Renaud Soucy La Roche.

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Titre: Under stressful conditions
Créatrice: Eve Gosselin, Institut national de la recherche scientifique

During the collision of tectonic plates on Earth, rocks deform under stress and move along faults to create mountain belts. Because the temperature is higher, at depth rocks flow like honey instead of breaking. At a microscopic scale, this is observable by a decrease in crystal size, which can be seen in the 18mm-thick vertical layer in this image (taken with a polarized light microscope). The fine-grained matrix of this layer was formed during tectonic flow, and local flow perturbations created microfolds while the harder, larger crystals resist deformation and rotate counter clockwise. The stress conditions pictured here originated from the formation of the Grenville Orogen (in Quebec), a billion-year-old mountain belt that was as large as the Himalayas. Such examples of tectonic flow provide key insights about the evolution of the Grenville Orogen through time.

Science Exposed is a contest organized by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and devoted exclusively to images of scientific research, in all fields of study. In 2016, NSERC was proud to collaborate with Acfas and open La preuve par l'image to candidates all across Canada. Acfas is responsible for the Francophone segment of the contest, La preuve par l'image, and NSERC is responsible for the Anglophone segment, Science Exposed. (extrait du site web du CRSNG)

Attention! Les finalistes ne sont pas les mêmes que pour le concours de l'ACFAS. Il faut donc absolument voter dans la page en anglais.


Photo: Eve Gosselin


photo photo