
Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World: Processes, Landforms, Biogeosystems

Événements | Affiché 777 fois | Publié le jeudi 29 janvier 2015 à 12:20

La Réunion conjointe 2015 de l'AGC-GAC-MAC-AGU, qui aura lieu à Montréal du 3 au 7 mai prochain, sera l'hôte d'une session intitulée Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World: Processes, Landforms, Biogeosystems. Cette session sera co-dirigée par un groupe de chercheurs incluant Frédéric Bouchard, stagiaire postdoctoral dans l'équipe de la professeure Isabelle Laurion.
Session Description:
Permafrost biogeosystems define northern regions and are at the forefront of climate change. Degradation of the permafrost thermal regime, active-layer deepening and thermokarst development raise concerns about the future trajectory of northern landscapes and infrastructures. Important biogeochemical processes such as greening of the environment and carbon processing through terrestrial and aquatic systems are intimately linked and create feedbacks to the permafrost and climate systems. To answer pressing and emerging complex scientific questions regarding the fate of permafrost biogeosystems, we invite scientists studying the dynamics of permafrost regions to present results from a broad range of topics including: permafrost thermal regime, ground ice and cryostratigraphy, permafrost degradation processes and related impacts, biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gas dynamics, and snow-water-vegetation-active layer interactions. We encourage submissions on targeted process-studies of permafrost landscape dynamics as well as multi-scale and cross-disciplinary effort aiming at deciphering the impacts on and complex response of permafrost biogeosystems.
  • B - Biogeosciences
  • H - Hydrology
Index Terms:
0475 Permafrost, cryosphere, and high-latitude processes [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
0702 Permafrost [CRYOSPHERE]
0708 Thermokarst [CRYOSPHERE]
0710 Periglacial processes [CRYOSPHERE]
Primary Convener:  Daniel Fortier, Université de Montréal
Conveners:  Frederic Bouchard, Etienne Godin and Stephanie Coulombe