
IGCP 591: The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution (5th Annual Meeting) July 8-11, 2015 @ INRS

Événements | Affiché 1421 fois | Publié le vendredi 8 mai 2015 à 11:38

The Fifth Annual Meeting of IGCP 591 will be hosted by the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-ETE) in Quebec City, Canada. The meeting will be held jointly with the 5th International Symposium on the Silurian System and will form an excellent platform for scientific discussions. The aims of the joint IGCP 591 – ISSS meeting are to investigate the dynamic and important Early–Mid Paleozoic history and evolution of life and our planet and to improve our understanding of the definition, correlation and resolution of that time interval. Contributions on relevant topics (ocean biogeochemistry, sea-level change, biodiversity changes, paleoecology, biostratigraphy...) are welcome.

The meeting includes three days of scientific sessions on the modern campus of the INRS located in the new Quebec City downtown close to hotels, bars, restaurants and public transportation. We are also planning a mid-conference excursion to the Ordovician carbonate and siliciclastic successions of the St. Lawrence Lowlands near Quebec City. The scientific sessions will be preceded and followed by geological excursions in the Gaspe Peninsula and Anticosti Island respectively.

La cinquième réunion annuelle IGCP 591 se tiendra au centre ETE de l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique à Québec. La réunion se tiendra en même temps que le 5e Symposium international sur le système Silurien (ISSS). Les objectifs du colloque d'IGCP 591 / ISSS sont d'étudier l'histoire dynamique du début au milieu du Paléozoïque et l'évolution de la vie et de notre planète, et d'améliorer notre compréhension de la définition, la corrélation et la résolution de cet intervalle de temps.
