
CIGR 2020 - Intégrer l’agriculture à la communauté par l’ingénierie (Québec, juillet 2020)

Événements | Affiché 833 fois | Publié le mercredi 20 novembre 2019 à 04:36

Un congrès de calibre international dans un domaine qui nous touche aura lieu l’été prochain à Québec

CIGR 2020 - 5e Conférence internationale. Intégrer l’agriculture à la communauté par l’ingénierie défis et opportunités

Petits extraits du site web:

Call for abstracts extended deadline: December 15th, 2019 

Joint meetings

4th International Symposium on Emissions of Gas and Dust from Livestock (EmiLi)
9th International Symposium on Concrete for sustainable agriculture
World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources

*** NEW***  Special Sessions

  • Hydrological Modelling: A Tool for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Biochar in Agriculture: Engineering and Environnemental Prospects
  • Special Session on Biogas

The call for abstracts for the 5th CIGR International Conference is open until December 15th! Under the theme “Integrating Agriculture and Society through Engineering”, the primary goal of this conference is to bring together elite scientists from all over the world, and to provide a unique forum for exchange on the challenges and opportunities in agricultural and biosystems engineering.

The conference will take place from June 14th to the 18th 2020 in Québec City, Canada. Québec City offers a blend of culture and history that is unique in North America. Located along the majestic Saint-Lawrence River, Quebec City is the only walled city north of Mexico and the old part of the town is a UNESCO World Heritage treasure.

Submit abstracts in any of the following technical tracks

  1. Agriculture and Society
  2. Energy
  3. Animal Systems
  4. Plant Systems and Postharvest Technology
  5. Buildings and Materials
  6. Food Science and Technology
  7. Soil and Water 
  8. Waste Management
  9. GHG Emissions, Climate change and Adaptation
  10. Machinery and Robotic Systems
  11. Monitoring, Control and Data Analysis
  12. Ergonomics, Safety and Health

Special attention will be given to the “Agriculture and Society” track which focuses on the main conference theme. Technical sessions will be organized by grouping contributions under specific topics for each track. A list of topics is suggested for each track but submissions in other related topics are also encouraged.

New in 2020, create your own session!

The CIGR 2020 local organizing committee is pleased to offer participants the chance to take charge of an entire 90-minute session during the conference. Sessions can consist of a series of technical presentations or they can give more time to an eminent scientist or even take the form of a panel discussion. A Technical Committee will evaluate the suitability of each proposed session and adjustments will be made if necessary to fit the scope of the conference.

When & where

June 14-18, 2020
Québec City Convention Centre

Contact us

Stéphane Godbout, Eng., agr., Ph.D.

