
Conférence « Helping Canada Seize the Trillion Dollar Bioeconomy Opportunity »

Au 490 | Affiché 47 fois | Publié le mardi 26 mars 2024 à 15:58

Conférence présentée par Dr. Anis Ben Amor, Directeur régional, PNC-Québec

Date: Mercredi 3 avril 2024, 9h
Lieu: Salle 2409 ou sur Zoom 


Résumé de la conférence

The world is demanding clean and green products and solutions to help address the environmental burden on our Earth. The bioeconomy represents a huge opportunity to solve these issues while providing solid jobs and financial benefits to Canada. In this session, Anis Ben Amor, Regional Director for Natural Products Canada, will outline the breadth of the opportunity, Canada's competitive advantages and unique strengths, and NPC's role in helping Canada realize its potential in this exciting field.
