
Nouveaux articles scientifiques au 490 (ETE, CGC et UCS)

Science | Affiché 174 fois | Publié le vendredi 17 mai 2024 à 08:06


Berger CS, Gagnon S, Bernatchez L et Bergeron NÉ (2024). Monitoring and predicting the presence and abundance of juvenile Atlantic salmon in tributaries according to habitat characteristics using environmental DNA. Environmental DNA, en ligne.
DOI : 10.1002/edn3.553

Rajaobelison MM, Thibault M, Comeau F-A, Raymond J, Smejkal E et Terlaky V (2024). Thermostratigraphic and heat flow assessment of the South Slave Region in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Preprints, en ligne.
DOI : 10.20944/preprints202405.0565.v1

Song C, Rousseau AN, Song Y, Ou Y, Chen N, Wang X, Sun L, Guo Y, Zhang H, Zhang Z et Xin Z (2924). Research progress and perspectives on ecological processes and carbon feedback in permafrost wetlands under changing climate conditions. Fundamental Research, en ligne.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fmre.2024.05.002
