
Livres scientifiques à donner

Science | Affiché 127 fois | Publié le jeudi 13 juin 2024 à 08:49

Bolz RE & Tuve GL (1970). Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science. CRC Press.

Bond RG & Straub CP (1973). Handbook of Environmental Control. Volume III: Water Supply and Treatment. CRC Press.

Gray DM (1973). Handbook on the Principles of Hydrology. Water Information Center.

Loneragan JF & Robson AD (1981). Copper in Soils and Plants. Academic Press.

Maass A, Hufschmidt MM et al. (1962). Design of Water-Resource Systems: New Techniques for Relating Economic Objectives, Engineering Analysis, and Governmental Planning. Havard University Press.

Shelton JW (1973). Models of sand and sandstone deposits: A methodology for determining sand genesis and trend. University of Oklahoma.

Zaic JE (1971). Water Pollution Disposal and Reuse, Volume 2. Marcel Dekker Inc.


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