
Livres scientifiques à donner

Science | Affiché 304 fois | Publié le jeudi 20 juin 2024 à 09:13

AAPG (1978). Contributions to the Geologic Time Scale: Papers Given at the Geological Time Scale Symposium 106.6, 25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, Australia, August 1976.

AWWA (1972). Water Meters-Selection, Installation, Testing, and Maintenance, 2e édition. 

Neil A & Zahuranec BJ (1977). Oceanic Sound Scattering Prediction (Marine Science Vol 5). Plenum Press.

Fluhr T & Legget RF (1962). Reviews In Engineering Geology Volume I. The Geological Society of America.

Gilluly J & Wookford AO (1963). Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. Second edition. W. H. Freeman and Company.

Okun DA & Ponghis G (1975). Community wastewater collection and disposal. Geneva : World Health Organization.

Parkinson D (1971). Methods for studying the ecology of soil micro-organisms. Blackwell Science Ltd.

Sigel H (1974). Metal Ions in Biological Systems (Volume 3): High Molecular Complexes. Marcel Dekker Inc.

Tyagi RD & Vembu K (1990). Wastewater Treatment by Immobilized Cells. CRC-Press; 1re édition.


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