
Nouveaux articles scientifiques au 490 (ETE, CGC et UCS)

Science | Affiché 323 fois | Publié le jeudi 11 juillet 2024 à 15:18


Abasi H, Jean M-È, Shirkhani H, Duchesne S, Pelletier G, Kleiner Y et Colombo A (2024). Application of real-time control and source control solutions to reduce combined sewer overflows: A review of approaches and performances. Journal of Sustainable in Built Environment, 10 (4): en ligne.
DOI : 10.1061/JSWBAY.SWENG-531

Bédard JH, Dewing K, Grasby SE, Nabelek P, Heimdal TH, Yakymchuk C, ... et Troll, V. R. (2024). Basaltic sills emplaced in organic-rich sedimentary rocks: Consequences for organic matter maturation and Cretaceous paleo-climateGSA Bulletin136(5-6), 1982-2006.
DOI : 10.1130/B36982.1

Eccles KM, Boutet V, Branigan M, Dyck MG, van Coeverden de Groot P, Lougheed SC, Rutter A et Langlois VS (2024). Non-invasive biomonitoring of polar bear feces can be used to estimate concentrations of metals of concern in traditional food. PLoS ONE, 19 (6): art. e0305398.
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0305398

Kariminejad N, Shahabi H, Ghorbanzadeh O, Shafaie V, Hosseingholian M, Homayouni S et Pourghasemi HR (2024). Evaluation of various deep learning algorithms for landslide and sinkhole detection from UAV imagery in a semi-arid environment. Earth System and Environment, en ligne.
DOI : 10.1007/s41748-024-00419-8

Nogueira LS, Crémazy A et Wood CM (2024). The role of the carapace in the accumulation of metals from seawater in the green crab (Carcinus maenas): Studies with radio-labeled calcium, zinc, and nickel. Science of The Total Environment, 945 (octobre): art. 174008.
DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174008

Rahmati N, St-Hilaire A, Curry RA et Rincón E (2024). Hydro-thermal modelling of the potential impacts of reservoirs on water temperature and incubation time of Atlantic salmon and brook trout in the Tobique River, Canada. River Research and Applications, en ligne.
DOI : 10.1002/rra.4310

Sharma M, Tellili N, Kacem I et Rouissi T (2024). Microbial biopolymers: From production to environmental applications - A review. Applied Sciences, 14 (12): art. 5081.
DOI : 10.3390/app14125081

Wu Y, Ma Q, Qin L, Penuelas J, Liu X, Wang G, Rousseau AN et He F (2024). Future climate impacts on biodiversity trends in major global rivers. Nature Portfolio, en ligne.
DOI : 10.21203/



Long ME et Ferreira-Bexiga S (2024). Green Jobs and Youth Employment Policies in Canada: Source of Hope or Social Inequalities? Revue interventions economiques-papers in political economy, 71.
DOI : 10.4000/11reo
