
Nouveaux articles scientifiques au 490 (ETE, CGC et UCS)

Science | Affiché 263 fois | Publié le jeudi 18 juillet 2024 à 13:08


Coulombe S, Rottier B, Moukhsil A, Godet A, Guilmette C, Alves P, Marsh JH et Coleman M (2024). Source and age of the LREE-rich Blanchette-1 granitic pegmatite, implication for LREE mineralization in the Central Grenville Province. Precambrian Research, 410 : art 107478.
DOI : 10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107478

Diallo S, Tran LH, Larivière D et Blais J-F (2024). Mass balance and economic study of a treatment chain for rare earths, base metals and precious metals recovery from used smartphones. Minerals Engineering, 215 (septembre): art. 108824.
DOI : 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108824

Normandeau PX,  Mcmartin I et Corriveau L (2024). Till Geochemistry as a Vector to Metasomatic Iron and Alkali-Calcic Systems and Associated Deposits in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada.Minerals, 14 (6) : art 547.

Ryskie S, Rosa É, Neculita CM et Couture P (2024). Modeling the geochemical evolution of mine waters during mixing. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 476 (septembre): art. 134929.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134929
