
Interested in French Classes? Participate in our poll to help us request new classes!

Au 490 | Affiché 81 fois | Publié le mercredi 6 novembre 2024 à 11:05

Hello everyone,

We are reaching out to find students and employees interested in improving their French skills through French language classes at INRS.

In the past, INRS offered French classes for students, but they were canceled when government-run classes became available. Now, however, some government classes have been canceled in certain centers, and new registrations are no longer being accepted. Given this change, we would like to ask the INRS director to reintroduce French classes specifically for students who need this support.

To make this request, we need to show that there is strong interest among students, so we have prepared a short poll to gather responses.

How you can help:

Please complete the attached poll by Friday 8th of November to let us know if you’re interested. Your response will help us demonstrate that there’s a real need for dedicated French classes.

Thank you for helping us make this opportunity possible! We look forward to your responses.


Votre comité AECETE

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